
Report Marine Debris

A photo can provide crucial information about the debris, helping us better understand its nature and assisting in the removal process. Maximum 30 MB per image.


Sealy's Recommendation is a tool that provides a recommendation for classifying a provided image using Artificial Intelligence. Just upload a photo of the debris to get a recommendation!

Biofouling Level Detected:


The Level of Fouling (LoF) scale is a ranking system with six categories characterizing the amount of biofouling.

0: Zero slime/biofilm, zero macrofouling


Please include area code (e.g. 808-555-5555)

Providing a detailed description is essential in assessing and addressing marine debris effectively.
Please include information such as: The more details you provide, the better we can respond to the report.

Information you submit through this form is shared between divisions within DLNR, researchers at the University of Hawaii, NOAA, Non-Government Organizations and other agencies that manage marine debris and Aquatic Invasive Species. Your contact information is kept confidential.